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Explore nuestra amplia gama de accesorios diseñados para mejorar su experiencia de escaneo 3D. Desde herramientas de calibración de precisión hasta aerosoles de escaneo versátiles como AESUB blue, nuestros accesorios están diseñados para optimizar el rendimiento y agilizar su flujo de trabajo.

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EINSTAR VEGA v1.2.0 Introduction

EINSTAR VEGA v1.2.0 Introduction

VEGA APP v1.2.0 is here! Let’s take a look at the delightful changes it brings!1. Support scanning rewind.2. Support selecting resolution range (point distance) before scanning.3. Optimize HD mode ...

SoftwareEINSTAR VEGA APP v1.1.0 & StarVision v1.1.0.16 release

EINSTAR VEGA APP v1.1.0 & StarVision v1.1.0.16 release

Since the launch of EINSTAR Vega, we have received a great deal of valuable feedback. The all-in-one 3D scanner is quickly emerging as a leading trend in the industry. We are committed to unlocking...

3D ScanningEINSTAR VEGA scans SHINING Mascot.

EINSTAR Unveils VEGA: A New Wireless All-in-One 3D Scanner

EINSTAR has officially launched a brand new product: the EINSTAR VEGA, a wireless all-in-one 3D scanner.